Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fired-Up Magic

Posted in by Michael | Edit
This technique is good to use when you have been sick but are beginning to improve.  It will fire up and help you feel better faster.

You will need a blue candle in a candleholder, sandlewood oil, a ball point pen, and a pinch of dried sage.

Begin by using the pen to write your full name on the candle.  Dress the candle with sandlewood oil, sprinkle it with dried sage, and place the candle in its holder.  Next, anoint yourself with the oil, putting three drops on the top of your head, a drop on your third eye, and three drops on the insides of each wrist and ankle.  Wipe the oil from you hands, light the candle, and say:

Powers of earth, wind, fire, and water,
Bring your healing energy to me,
Peace, health, love, and laughter,
By this divine light, so shall it be!

As you stare into the flame of the candle, feel the fire energizing all the aspects of your being.  The element of fire can both cleanse things as well as spark life.  Allow the bright candle flame to fire you up and get you ready for the day.

Blessed Be!


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