This spell can be used to make up with your beloved after an argument.
You will need a blue taper candle, lavender scented oil, a ballpoint pen, a bowl of cool salt water, and a cup of pure water.
Clean the candle in the salt water, then draw a magic circle and call in the elements. Breathe deeply for a few minutes. As you breathe in, imagine breathing in pure white light. Fill you being with pure white light. Next, use the pen to write the words Making Up on the candle. Write yours and your beloved's initials on op of the words. Then rub the lavender scented oil on the candle. Anoint yourself with the oil, rubbing a few drops on your ankles, wrists, and throat. Wipe the oil from your hands and light the candle, dedicating it to your beloved. Next, hold the cup of pure water in your hands and say:
Anger be washed away
Love brighten my day.
So be it! Blessed be!
Bring the cup to your mouth. As you drink the water, think about it washing away all of the anger and irritation you may be feeling toward the one you love. When you are done, close the circle and bid farewell to the elements. Allow the candle to burn down completely. Within the next twenty-four hours, take the initiative and do something to show your appreciation for the one you love.
The Connection ...
9 hours ago
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