For this spell, you will need a bowl of earth, sandalwood incense, a white candle, a cup of water, and a clear quartz crystal (preferably a crystal point).
Set all of the items on your altar or another steady surface. Light the candle and incense, dedicating them to your favorite healing deities. Take the crystal in your power hand use it as an athame to draw your magic circle in a clockwise motion After setting the crystal back on the table, pick up the bowl of earth. Hold is upward at the north point of the magic circle and say:
Goddess of the North
Let your healing powers
Come into this circle.
By the Lady, blessed be!
Put the earth back on the table; hold the incense in your power hand at the east point of the circle and say:
Goddess of the East
Let your healing powers
Come into this circle.
By the Lady, blessed be!
Put the incense back on the table; carefully pick up the lit candle. Hold it at the south point of the circle and say:
Goddess of the South
Let your healing powers
Come into this circle.
By the Lady, blessed be!
Put the candle back on the table; pick up the cup of water. Hold the cup of water at the west point of the circle and say:
Goddess of the West
Let your healing powers
Come into this circle.
By the Lady, blessed be!
Your healing circle is now energized and ready. Sit or recline in it for about thirty minutes. As you do, merge with each of the elements of earth, air, fire, and water, and ask them what you can do to heal yourself completely.
Make a note of the impressions you receive, and use any helpful information to facilitate your healing. When you are done, close the circle.
The Connection ...
9 hours ago
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